Credit Union Principles


International Credit Union Operating Principles

The International Credit Union Operating Principles are founded in the philosophy of co-operation and its central values of equality, equity and mutual self-help. Recognizing the varied practices in the implementation of credit union philosophy around the world, at the heart of these principles is the concept of human development and the brotherhood of man expressed through people working together to achieve a better life for themselves and their community.

International Credit Union Consumer Protection Principles

Credit unions are member-owned and governed institutions that exist for the good of those using their services. The International Credit Union Consumer Protection Principles identify standards to safeguard credit union members, enabling them to understand their rights and make informed decisions. While each credit union must comply with local regulatory requirements and prudential standards, the International Credit Union Consumer Protection Principles offer a best-practice guide based on World Council of Credit Unions’ experience with the development of credit unions worldwide.

International Credit Union Governance Principles

Governance is the system designed to control and distribute power within an organization. The International Credit Union Governance Principles are ideals to be achieved and are intended to apply to credit unions, not to credit union associations. These Principles address the challenges of organizational power within credit unions at three separate levels. The board and managers, as a cohesive unit, ensure the credit union’s compliance with issues related to external and internal governance. In order to achieve this goal, each board member has a duty to adhere to the principles of individual governance.